Fourth Grade- Friday, April 17

Welcome Back!!!!

It's time for another day of Distance Learning! You're doing great!!!

heart Your Upper Elementary Team


Today in reading, you are going to read a passage I have placed in your Reading Google Classroom titled "The Vegetable Thief." Find the assignment and answer 10 multiple choice questions. Good Luck!smiley


Now enjoy today's reading of Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH.


















Continue working on your vocabulary log. Remember to choose one of the following choices. 

1. You can make your own vocabulary log with paper. Be sure to include the word, definition, a sentences using your word, and a picture of your word.

2. You can create a document that includes all 10 words to share with me. You can type your word, the definition, a sentence using your word, and you can use clipart for the picture of your word. 

Have fun learning the next set of words. We will have a quiz on them in a few weeks. 

Today's Word: 

essential- absolutely necessary; extremely important



Follow this link to complete your grammar classwork grade for this week. :) 



No spelling today! 



Friday Spiral Quiz



Social Studies:


















 Continue your research on,, and Britannica Kids. 

  • Research what they did before they became president.

  • Find 3 Facts about what they did before they became president 


Bible: Proverbs 8:13


















A = Application

Come up with three things you could do to live this big idea out.


Special Classes



Hello everyone! Today we're going to be answering the question: What happens to rocks when they fall down a mountain?

Before you do this activity, cut or tear a piece of paper into 12 pieces. You do not need "The River Printout" for this activity. Just find a clear piece of table, desk, or floor where you'll be able to move these pieces around.

Once you're ready, you will be doing the ACTIVITY from this Mystery Science video. You don't have to watch the first part of the video. To skip to the activity, click the purple link that says "Preview The Activity".

Here's the link :)