Fourth Grade- Monday, May 4

Welcome Back!!!!

It's time for another day of Distance Learning! You're doing great!!!

heart Your Upper Elementary Team


Today you are going to read an article about a girl with a really unique talent. After reading the article, answer the following question. (Don't forget to watch the video. It's pretty cool.)

1. What is Betty Gallegos special talent?

2. Why did Betty become interested in yo-yos?

3. When creating a yo-yo routine, what are 2 things Betty has to make sure doesn't happen during her routine.

4. What is something you enjoy doing and want to get better at?


Enjoy today's reading of Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH!




Your quiz is TOMORROW. Use today to study and prepare. It's your last one, so finish strong. smiley



*Check your school email to make sure I haven't emailed you asking for missing work. 

This week we are going to learn about compound sentences. You may already be familiar with them, but we are going make sure we know all about them! Watch this video to make sure you understand what compound sentences are. You're going to have to practice your reading skills because the video doesn't talk to you. Sorry! heart

Once you have watched that video, open your grammar/writing google doc, and write 5 compound sentences. Don't use any examples from the video please. smiley




Feel free to play any games from previous lists! 



For my spiral kiddos - Monday Spiral

Kite Project Day 1: Today, you get to decorate the paper (sailcloth) of your kite.  You can decorate either the top, bottom, or both.  Start by sketching a rough draft in the Day 1 space on your kite packet.  Once you have a good idea and sketched, you can start on your kite.  


Social Studies

Social Studies

    Work on the next slide. While they were President

remeber to include...

- 1 or 2 photos

- 3 facts

- Title of the slide nice and bold at the top 


Complete the S and O portio of the Soap model for this verse.

19 So you are no longer outsiders and strangers. You are citizens together with God’s people. You are also members of God’s family.

Ephesians 2:19 

S= Scripture



Special Classes



Hello everyone! Last Friday, you brainstormed ways to prevent a landslide. (If you didn't do that activity from Friday, make sure you do it today!) Sometime this week, I would like you build some sort of model that demonstrates your plan to prevent a landslide. I know that you all have different materials at your house, so use whatever you have. Do you have a sandbox or a patch of dirt in your backyard? Use that! Do you have potting soil and a disposable baking tin? Ask your parents if you can use that! Have a paper and markers? Use that to draw a really neat picture! Use your imagination! When you've make your model, have you or a parent email me a picture. I will grade these for completion on Saturday :) Feel free to reach out if you need help brainstorming how to make your model.

Here are some examples to help you out:

Wind Erosion and Deposition experiment - YouTube

Erosion as diffusion – Montessori Muddle

Soil Erosion Prevention Clipart 



Spreadsheet Project #3 -