Fourth Grade- Tuesday, April 28

Welcome Back!!!!

It's time for another day of Distance Learning! You're doing great!!!

heart Your Upper Elementary Team


Today you are going to watch a BrainPOP video about using context clues. After you watch the video, go to your reading Google doc and by using context clues, tell me what you think the following underlined words mean in each sentence. Good luck! laugh

username: loganvilleca

password: loganville

1. I will exhibit my work at the local art show.

2. Land line phones are almost obsolete due to the invention of the cell phone.

3. My dog jumped in the icy lake, but the water was too frigid for me.

4. The rainbow was full of the most vivid colors I had ever seen. 


Enjoy today's reading. Don't forget to share your summaries with me. :)




















Continue working on your vocabulary log. Remember to choose one of the following choices. 

1. You can make your own vocabulary log with paper. Be sure to include the word, definition, a sentences using your word, and a picture of your word.

2. You can create a document that includes all 10 words to share with me. You can type your word, the definition, a sentence using your word, and you can use clipart for the picture of your word. 

Have fun learning the next set of words. We will have a quiz on them in a few weeks. 

Today's Word: 

venture- a risky or daring undertaking



Lets continue with subjects and predicates! This is important to understand especially if you are someone who tends to accidentally include fragments or run-ons in your writing.

If you did not watch the Brain Pop video that was posted yesterday, I would suggest doing that! Even if you did, it might be a good idea to re-watch it. Copy and paste the sentences below onto your grammar/writing Google doc. Highlight each SIMPLE SUBJECT in red and each SIMPLE PREDICATE in blue. :) I have included an example below. Then, create 5 more sentences of your own and do the same thing with those sentences! 

*Remember, simple subjects are nouns and simple predicates are verbs. Ignore any adjectives, articles, adverbs...etc. 


Example: The firemen extinguished the fire.


1. We went to lunch with Amar and his friend today.

2. Juan and Julian worked so hard on their project.

3. A large number of swimmers competed in the race this year.

4. The tired old man came in from the rain.

5. My younger sister made a smoothie. 




Think and Sort Activity: Look at your list of spelling words and sort them according to their suffixes. You should have one section of words with the -ful suffix and one section of words with the -less suffix. Type these lists on your grammar/writing Google doc. :) 

*Remember, your last spelling test is on Thursday! 



Tuesday Spiral:


Social Studies


Work on slide #2: Early Years 


- Title at the top of the slide 

- 3 Facts written on the slide

- 1 or 2 pictures of the person when they were a child or young



















Write out in your Bible Journal 










Tell me what each leter in the acronym stands for and what you do on each step. 



Special Classes


Activity log- record your physical activity for the week


Field day events- Since we are not able to have our traditional field day this year, I thought it might be fun for you to compete from home. You can do one event or all of them. Email Mrs. Snell your results. 


Softball throw- throw a softball as far as you can and measure the distance.

Jump rope challenge- time yourself to see how long you can jump rope without messing up.

Hula hoop challenge- time yourself to see how long you can hula hoop without messing up.

Mile Run- run 1 mile and record your time.

50 yard dash- measure out 50 yards and have someone time you.

Basketball free throw challenge- see how many free throws you can make in 1 minute.

Egg toss (partner up with someone in your house)- start 3 feet apart. toss the egg to your partner. Take a step back every time you catch the egg and count out loud. when you drop the egg you are done. How many times did you catch the egg before dropping it?


Each week you will choose a different option to complete from the choice board. Don't forget to add what choice you complete to your music google classroom. Mrs. Farr can't wait to see what you choose to do. smiley