Fourth Grade- Wednesday, May 13

Welcome Back!!!!

Only 2 more days! You're doing great!!!

heart Your Upper Elementary Team

Important Reminders

1. Thursday is our PARADE! YAY! We hope you see you drive by from 3-4. 

2. Please bring any Lambert or Williams books with you to the parade. We will have a box to collect books.

3. Your awards Zoom meeting will be this Friday. Conklin class 10:30, and Williams class 11:15. This will be your last day, and there will be no work assigned.



There's no video for you today, but I will have one tomorrow for your last day! Today you will watch the BrainPOP video about the elements of a story. After you watch the video, I want you to pick a book you have read this year and tell me the 5 parts of your book that are described in the video. Tell me the title of your book, then start with the introduction that lists the characters and setting. Next comes the rising action that is building to the the main conflict. The climax is the big action moment when everything is resolved. The falling action is the events leading to the conclusion, and the conclusion is how the story ends. I will do an example for you using Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH

Introduction- We meet Mrs. Frisby and her children and discover that her son, Timothy is very ill.

Rising Action- Mrs. Frisby goes on a search for a way to help her son Timothy. With the help of the owl, she learns the rats can help her. The rats, we learn, are very intelligent and were friends with her husband. They create a plan to move Mrs. Frisby's house to a safe place to save Timothy.

Climax- Mrs. Frisby is captured, but Justin helps her escape, and they move her house to safety.

Falling Action- The rats learn that someone is coming to exterminate them and they create a plan to get everyone to safety. Two rats die, but all the other rats make it to Thorn Valley.

Conclusion- Mrs. Frisby and her family are all healthy and safe and the rats are off making a new life in Thorn Valley.



Please make sure you have included the edits/revisions that I suggested in order to create the final draft of your compare & contrast paper. Like I mentioned in our Zoom meeting, this will be your last writing test grade, so let's finish strong! Also, make sure you completed the classwork that was assigned yesterday. It was titled, "Closing out 4th Grade". I will be emailing you tomorrow if I am missing any assignments from you, so check your school email once or twice throughout the day. :) 




Another logic challenge coming your way!!!


Social Studies/Bible 

Put this on your SS/B google Doc

What is one event, person, or time period from Bible or Social Studies you wish you had more time to learn about this year and why? 


A Message from Mrs. Touchton

Hello Fourth Grade Friends!

Wow, can you believe it is the last week of school and you made it through distance learning!? Not only did you "make it through", you did GREAT!

I wanted to send you one last video just to tell you how much joy you have brought to me as you have shared your creativity with me. I am truly thankful for YOU!


The video is entitled, Thanking God for YOU ( modified May 12)


Here is the link to my video:


I have missed you and cannot wait to see you on Thursday at our parade!

Miss and love you!

Mrs. Touchton